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Definition of: achene

(ā·kēn) noun Bot.
A small, dry, indehiscent pericarp containing one seed, as in the dandelion, buttercup, etc.: also spelled akene. Also a·che·ni·um (ā·kē·nē·əm) plural ·ni·a (-nē·ə). [<NL achenium <A-4 not + Gk. chainein gape, recoil]

Most often used phrases:

hairy achene
achene tipped
achene up to
cylindrical achene
tiny achene
achene borne
ribbed achene
brown achene
achene fruits
small achene
black achene
hairless achene
narrow achene
club shaped achene
achene covered

'achene' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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