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Definition of: applique

(ap′li·kā) adjective
Applied: said of ornaments, as in needlework, wood, metal, etc., cut out from one material and fastened to the surface of another.
noun Decoration or ornaments so applied.
v.t. ·quéd (-kād), ·qué·ing (-kāing)
To sew or decorate by sewing, as ornaments of one material to the surface of another.
[ <F]

Most often used phrases:

applique armour
side applique
e applique
applique work
applique embroidery
applique armor
dash applique
applique buddhist
applique quilts
applique bodice
beautiful applique
applique artwork
applique e
woodgrain applique

'applique' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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