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Definition of: ascetic

(ə·setik) noun
1. Originally, in the early church, one who renounced social life and comfort for solitude, self-mortification, and religious devotion; a hermit; recluse.
2. Hence, one who leads a very austere and self-denying life.
adjective Given to severe self-denial and austerity; practicing rigid abstinence and devotion.
Also as·cet′i·cal. [<Gk. askētikos exercised, industrious, athletic <askētēs one who exercises (self-denial), a monk <askeein exercise]

Most often used phrases:

ascetic life
ascetic practices
ascetic lifestyle
ascetic ideal
jain ascetic
ascetic practice
hindu ascetic
great ascetic
ascetic writer
wandering ascetic
ascetic works
christian ascetic
ascetic tradition
ascetic community
ascetic movement

'ascetic' used in domains:


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"ascetic" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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