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Definition of: breastplate

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(brestplāt) noun
1. A piece of defensive plate armor for the breast; also, a metalworker's protective plate.
2. A strap crossing a horse's breast.
3. A square piece of linen cloth, embroidered with gold, adorned with twelve precious stones symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel, worn by the Jewish high priest.
4. The plastron of a turtle.

Most often used phrases:

patrick s breastplate
priestly breastplate
hunting breastplate
silver breastplate
aegis breastplate
s breastplate
breastplate worn
sacred breastplate
breastplate transforms
helmet breastplate
bronze breastplate
square breastplate
gold breastplate
armour breastplate
breastplate armour

'breastplate' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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