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Definition of: cassock

(kasək) noun
1. A close–fitting garment, reaching to the feet, worn by the Roman Catholic and many of the Protestant clergy.
2. A short garment or loose jacket worn under the Geneva gown by Presbyterian ministers.
3. A clergyman or the clerical office.
4. Obs. Any long coat or gown; especially, a military cloak. [<MF casaque <Ital. casacca greatcoat]
(kasəkt) adjective

Most often used phrases:

black cassock
purple cassock
outer cassock
white cassock
choir cassock
traditional cassock
cassock worn
roman cassock
red cassock
cassock surplice
also cassock
cassock spring
cassock rochet
cassock reaching
short cassock

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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