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Definition of: crib

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(krib) noun
1. A rack or manger.
2. A stall for cattle.
3. A child's bedstead, with side railings.
4. A box, bin, or small building for grain, having slat or openwork sides.
5. A small raft.
6. A frame of wood or timber, used to retain a bank of earth.
7. Colloq. A petty theft, or the thing taken; plagiarism.
8. A translation or other unauthorized aid in study.
9. A house, cottage, lodging, etc.
10. In cribbage, the four discarded cards counted by the dealer. See CRIBBAGE.
11. A wickerwork basket.
v. cribbed, crib·bing v.t.

1. To enclose in or as in a crib; confine closely.
2. To line or bolster, as the walls of a pit, with timbers or planking.
3. Colloq. To take and pass off as one's own, as an answer or a piece of writing; copy; plagiarize.
4. Colloq. To steal; purloin.
5. In logging, to form (logs) into a raft, as for towing.
6. Colloq. To translate with the aid of a crib.

7. Colloq. To use a crib in translating.
8. To crib–bite. [OE cribb]

Most often used phrases:

corn crib
crib goch
crib sheet
crib death
crib point
crib talk
sonny s crib
timber crib
crib light
crib y
crib dam
christmas crib
crib walls
stone crib
wooden crib

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Statistical data

"crib" has the frequency of use of 0.0002% on city-data.com forum

"crib" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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