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Definition of: duck

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(duk) noun
1. A web–footed, short–legged, broad–billed water bird of the Anatidae family comprising fresh–water and wood ducks (Anatinae), the sea and bay ducks (Fuligulinae), and the mergansers (Merginae). ◆ Collateral adjective: anatine.
2. The female of this bird: distinguished from drake.
3. The flesh of this bird.
4. Colloq. A dear; darling.
5. Slang A person; a fellow. [OE duce, lit. diver]

Definition of: duck

(duk) v.t. & v.i.
1. To plunge suddenly under water; dive.
2. To lower quickly; bob, as the head.
3. To dodge; evade (a blow or punishment).
4. To avoid (a duty, person, etc.).
5. To move quickly and abruptly: He ducked through the crowd. See synonyms under IMMERSE.
noun A sudden downward movement, as of the head; a bob or nod; also, a quick plunge under water.
[ME duken, douken dive, ult. <Gmc.]

Definition of: duck

(duk) noun
1. A strong tightly woven linen or cotton fabric with a plain weave, similar to canvas; sailcloth: heavier weights are used for tents, sails, and military and naval equipment; light weights for trousers, middy blouses, etc.
2. plural Trousers made of this fabric. [<Du. doek cloth]

Definition of: duck

(duk) noun Mil.
An amphibious military vehicle of World War II, having a watertight body and equipped with a propeller and a rudder for use when traveling on water. [<DUKW, code word for this type of vehicle]

Most often used phrases:

donald duck
daffy duck
darkwing duck
duck test
black duck
duck dodgers
duck anas
wood duck
duck pond
duck lake
tufted duck
wild duck
whistling duck
duck hunt
duck river

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Statistical data

"duck" has the frequency of use of 0.0016% on city-data.com forum

"duck" has the frequency of use of 0.0014% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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