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Definition of: emboss

(im·bôs, -bos) v.t.
1. To cover or adorn (a surface) with raised figures, designs, etc.
2. To raise or represent (designs, figures, etc.) from or upon a surface.
3. To decorate sumptuously. [<OF embocer <em- in + boce a boss]

Definition of: emboss

(im·bôs, -bos) v.t. Obs.
1. To cover with foam; fleck.
2. To drive, as a hunted animal, into a thicket; press to extremity; tire out.
3. To conceal. [ME embose,? <EN-1 + OF bois woods, thicket]

Most often used phrases:

emboss applications
emboss tools
sepia emboss

'emboss' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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