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Definition of: left

Past tense and past participle of LEAVE1.

Definition of: left

(left) adjective
1. Pertaining to that side of the body which is toward the north when one faces the rising sun: opposite to right.
2. Situated on the left–hand side; sinistral.
3. Designating that side or bank of a river which is on the left facing the direction of flow.

1. The left side.
2. Anything on or toward that side of the human body which normally contains the lower portion of the heart.
3. In European countries, the more radical political parties, seated to the left of the presiding officer in a deliberative assembly: also The Left.
adverb On or to the left.
[OE (Kentish), weak, worthless, as in lyftādl paralysis]

Most often used phrases:

links left
left hand
left side
plotarea left
also left
left arm
left border
left school
seconds left
left flank
left field
left out of
i ve left
top left
left office

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Statistical data

"left" has the frequency of use of 0.0531% on city-data.com forum

"left" has the frequency of use of 0.0357% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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