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Definition of: obstinate

(obstə·nit) adjective
1. Persistently and unreasonably resolved in a purpose or opinion; stubborn.
2. Hard to control or cure. [<L obstinatus stubborn <obstinare persist <obstare. See OBSTACLE.]
Synonyms: contumacious, decided, determined, dogged, firm, fixed, headstrong, heady, immovable, indomitable, inflexible, intractable, mulish, obdurate, opinionated, persistent, pertinacious, refractory, resolute, resolved, stubborn, unflinching, unyielding. The headstrong person is not to be stopped in his own course of action, while the obstinate and stubborn is not to be driven to another's way. The headstrong act; the obstinate and stubborn may simply refuse to stir. Stubborn is the term most frequently applied to animals and inanimate things. Refractory implies more activity of resistance; the stubborn horse balks; the refractory animal plunges, rears, and kicks; metals that resist ordinary processes of reduction are termed refractory. One is obdurate who adheres to his purpose in spite of appeals that would move any tender–hearted person. Contumacious refers to a proud and insolent defiance of authority, as of the summons of a court. Pertinacious applies to that which is active and aggressive; pertinacious demand is contrasted with obstinate refusal. The unyielding conduct which we approve we call decided, firm, inflexible, resolute; that which we condemn we are apt to term headstrong, obstinate, stubborn. See INFLEXIBLE, PERVERSE. Antonyms: amenable, complaisant, compliant, docile, irresolute, obedient, pliable, pliant, submissive, teachable, tractable, undecided, wavering, yielding.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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