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Definition of: rent

(rent) noun
1. Compensation made in any form by a tenant to a landlord or owner for the use of land, buildings, etc.; especially, such compensation paid in money at regular or specified intervals.
2. Similar payment for the use of any property, movable or fixed.
3. Econ. a Income derived by the owner from the use of his land or property. b The return afforded by cultivated land in excess of the costs, as of labor or materials. c That which is yielded by land in excess of the yield of the poorest land cultivated under equal conditions: also called economic rent. d Hence, a return derived from a similar advantage, as in a monopoly of natural resources.
4. Obs. a Landed or other property affording revenue. b Income or revenue.
—for rent
Available for use or occupancy by the paying of rent.

1. To obtain the temporary possession and use of for a compensation, usually made at fixed intervals.
2. To grant the temporary possession and use of for a rent.

3. To be let for rent. [<OF rente <LL rendita, L reddita what is given back or paid, fem. of pp. of reddere. See RENDER.]

Definition of: rent

Alternative past tense and past participle of REND.

1. A hole or slit made by rending or tearing; tear; rip; fissure.
2. A schism; violent separation; split. See synonyms under BREACH, HOLE. [<REND]

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"rent" has the frequency of use of 0.0357% on city-data.com forum

"rent" has the frequency of use of 0.001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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