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Definition of: adjourn

(ə·jûrn) v.t.
1. To put off to another day or place, as a meeting or session; postpone.
2. To put off to the next session, as the decision of a council.

3. To postpone or suspend proceedings for a specified time: The court adjourned for three days.
4. To move or go to another place: Shall we adjourn to the porch? See synonyms under PROCRASTINATE, POSTPONE. [<OF ajorner. ajurner <LL adjurnare set a day <L ad- to 4- diurnus daily < dies day]

Most often used phrases:

adjourn sine die
adjourn parliament
adjourn debate
immediately adjourn
indefinitely adjourn

'adjourn' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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