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Definition of: apraxia

(ə·praksē·ə, ā-) noun Psychiatry
The inability to use or to understand the uses of things or to make purposeful movements, due to lesions in the cortical area of the brain. [ <NL <Gk. apraxia inaction < a- not + prassein do]

Most often used phrases:

ideomotor apraxia
oculomotor apraxia
ideational apraxia
childhood apraxia
acquired apraxia
gait apraxia
constructional apraxia
limb kinetic apraxia
oral apraxia
apraxia ideomotor
apraxia inability
verbal apraxia
apraxia type
ocular apraxia
developmental apraxia

'apraxia' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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