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Definition of: archaeopteryx

(är′kē·optər·iks) noun
A representative of a genus (Archaeopteryx) of fossil reptilian birds of the Upper Jurassic period, combining reptilian and avian characteristics. Also arche·op′ter·yx. [<NL <ARCHAEO- + Gk. pteryx wing]

Most often used phrases:

bird archaeopteryx
archaeopteryx lithographica
early bird archaeopteryx
archaeopteryx specimen
archaeopteryx fossils
archaeopteryx lacked
archaeopteryx lived
well preserved archaeopteryx
archaeopteryx feathers
including archaeopteryx
archaeopteryx fossil
birds archaeopteryx
ruppert archaeopteryx
archaeopteryx confuciusornis
dinosaurs archaeopteryx

'archaeopteryx' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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