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Definition of: azeotrope

(ə·zēə·trōp) noun Chem.
A mixture of substances, as water and hydrochloric acid, which has a constant boiling point at specified concentration. [<Gk. a- not + zein boil + tropē a turning]
(az′ē·ō·tropik) adjective
(az′ē·otrə·piz′əm), aze·ot′ro·py noun

Most often used phrases:

negative azeotrope
positive azeotrope
ternary azeotrope
azeotrope data
ethanol azeotrope
ethanol water azeotrope
binary azeotrope
boiling azeotrope
azeotrope boils
azeotrope boiling
pressure azeotrope
heterogeneous azeotrope
azeotrope temperature

'azeotrope' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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