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Definition of: Baffin Island

The largest and most easterly island in the Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories, Canada; 197, 754 square miles. Also Baffin Land.

Most often used phrases:

Baffin Island offshore
Baffin Island s
Baffin Island nunavut
Baffin Island canada
peninsula Baffin Island
uninhabited Baffin Island
western Baffin Island
northern Baffin Island
southern Baffin Island
Baffin Island current
southeastern Baffin Island
eastern Baffin Island
glacier Baffin Island
central Baffin Island
river Baffin Island

'Baffin Island' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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