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Definition of: beeswax

(bēzwaks′) noun
A white or yellowish plastic substance, secreted by honey bees, from which they make the cells of their comb: widely used in medicine and the arts.
v.t. To smear with beeswax; wax.

Most often used phrases:

beeswax candles
beeswax candle
heated beeswax
melted beeswax
pure beeswax
out of beeswax
personal beeswax
wood beeswax
including beeswax
natural beeswax
beeswax honey
beeswax frets
beeswax link

'beeswax' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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