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Definition of: boletus

Our photo definition of boletus photo

(bō·lētəs) noun
One of a genus (Boletus) of fleshy, quick–rotting fungi of the family Polyporaceae, widely distributed in the United States. [<L boletus <Gk. bōlitēs mushroom]

Most often used phrases:

boletus edulis
boletus frostii
genus boletus
boletus satanas
boletus pinophilus
boletus pulcherrimus
boletus mirabilis
boletus zelleri
mushroom boletus
boletus luridus
bolete boletus
boletus rex veris
boletus bicolor
species boletus
boletus badius

'boletus' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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