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Definition of: caravel

(karə·vel) noun
A fleet vessel of Spain and Portugal in the 15th century: sometimes spelled carvel. Also car′a·velle. [<MF caravelle <Sp. carabela, dim. of caraba boat <L carabus <Gk. korabus]
A. The Santa Maria of Columbus.
B. A caravel, showing the set of the sails.

Most often used phrases:

portuguese caravel
century caravel
caribbean caravel
lost caravel
caravel ship
caravel games
caravel ruth
independiente caravel
spanish caravel
caravel re explored
fonseca s caravel
small caravel
caravel ships

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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