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Definition of: cinquefoil

(singkfoil) noun
1. Archit. A five–cusped ornament or window; a five–leaved rosette.
2. Bot. Any one of several species of a genus (Potentilla) of plants of the rose family, with five–lobed leaves. [<F <L quinque five + folium leaf]

Most often used phrases:

cinquefoil potentilla
marsh cinquefoil
cinquefoil knot
spring cinquefoil
three toothed cinquefoil
shrubby cinquefoil
sticky cinquefoil
alpine cinquefoil
uploaded cinquefoil
common cinquefoil
creeping cinquefoil
mountain cinquefoil
tall cinquefoil
cinquefoil skipper
cinquefoil lights

'cinquefoil' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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