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Definition of: crustacean

(krus·tāshən) noun
One of a class of arthropods (Crustacea) having crustlike shells, and generally aquatic, including lobsters, crabs, barnacles, sow-bugs, etc.
adjective Of or pertaining to the Crustacea.
[<NL Crustacea <L crusta crust; with ref. to the shell]

Most often used phrases:

crustacean species
consumed crustacean
crustacean records
pink crustacean
crustacean larvae
small crustacean
water crustacean
amphipod crustacean
crustacean specialist
crustacean biology
ostracod crustacean
crustacean found
freshwater crustacean
shrimp like crustacean
marine crustacean

'crustacean' used in domains:


Statistical data

"crustacean" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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