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Definition of: cycad

(sīkad) noun
Any of a small family (Cycadaceae) of primitive, seed-bearing, mostly tropical plants of fernlike or palmlike appearance. [<NL Cycas, -adis <Gk. kykas, a copyist's error for koïkas, accusative plural of koïx a palm tree]
(sik′ə·dāshəs) adjective

Most often used phrases:

cycad species
cycad seeds
cycad encephalartos
cycad cycas
cycad societies
cycad society
cycad collection
fossil cycad
cycad national
sago cycad
cycad reserve
wood s cycad
cycad pages
cycad arboretum
cycad plant

'cycad' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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