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Definition of: diabase

(dīə·bās) noun Geol.
A granular igneous rock, composed essentially of plagioclase, and characterized by the feldspar having crystallized before the augite: sometimes called dolerite. [<Gk. diabasis a crossing over <dia- across + bainein go]
a·ba′sic adjective

Most often used phrases:

olivine diabase
diabase intrusions
diabase sill
diabase rock
diabase ringing
hard diabase
nipissing diabase
diabase dikes
diabase rocks
large diabase
black diabase
triassic diabase
resistant diabase
diabase dike
basalt diabase

'diabase' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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