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Definition of: earwig

(irwig′) noun
1. An insect (family Forficulidae) with horny, short (or absent) forewings and a caudal pair of forceps: erroneously believed to enter the human ear. For illustration see under INSECT(injurious).
2. Loosely, in the United States, a small centipede.
3. Obs. A secret informer.
v.t. ·wigged, ·wig·ging
To influence by secret and stealthy counsel; to insinuate against by or as by whispering in the ear.
[OE earwicga]

Most often used phrases:

earwig tool
earwig music
european earwig
helena earwig
ringlegged earwig
common earwig
earwig forficula
giant earwig
earwig - ringlegged earwig
earwig species
tawny earwig
earwig lockpicker
striped earwig
earwig labidura
maritime earwig

'earwig' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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