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Definition of: excommunicate

(eks′kə·myoomacrnə·kāt) v.t. ·cat·ed, ·cat·ing
1. To punish by an ecclesiastical sentence of exclusion from the sacraments and communion of the church.
2. To expel in disgrace from any organization.
adjective Excommunicated.
noun An excommunicated person.
[<LL excommunicatus, pp. of excommunicare <ex- out + communicare share <communis common]
com·mu′ni·cator noun

Most often used phrases:

excommunicate me
excommunicate members
died excommunicate
excommunicate william
excommunicate catholic
pope excommunicate

'excommunicate' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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