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Definition of: filbert

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(filbərt) noun
1. The edible nut of the European or the Oriental hazel (Corylus avellana); and also, sometimes, of the American hazel (C. americana and C. cornuta).
2. The bushy shrub or small tree that bears the nut. [Earlier filbert nut <dial. F noix de filbert nut of Philibert, after St. Philibert, near whose feast (Aug. 22) these nuts ripen]

Most often used phrases:

filbert street
filbert bayi
filbert streets
filbert steps
preston filbert
filbert news press
figger filbert
filbert south carolina
filbert st
filbert preston
filbert blight
eastern filbert
s filbert
katie filbert
named filbert

'filbert' used in domains:


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