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Definition of: flail

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(flāl) noun
1. An implement consisting of a wooden bar (the swingle) hinged or tied to a handle, for separating grain by beating.
2. A medieval weapon with spiked iron swingle.
v.t. & v.i. To beat with or as with a flail; use a flail; thresh.
[OE flygel, prob. <L flagellum a whip]
flailFLAIL (def. 2)

Most often used phrases:

mine flail
flail chest
flail tanks
flail mower
flail weapon
flail segment
flail mowers
flail tank
exploder flail
flail system
scorpion flail
so called flail
pyeongon flail
essence flail
churchill flail

'flail' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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