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Previous word: Galati
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Definition of: Galatia

(gə·lāshə, -shē·ə)
An ancient country of central Asia Minor, so called from the Gauls who invaded and conquered the region in the third century B.C. Greek Ga·la′tei·a.

Most often used phrases:

captain Galatia
Galatia secunda
Galatia prima
pontus Galatia
Galatia cappadocia
Galatia illinois
phrygia Galatia
southern Galatia
Galatia salutaris
Galatia turkey
Galatia modern
Galatia asia minor
Galatia region
celtic Galatia
abigail Galatia

'Galatia' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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