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Definition of: hematite

(hemə·tīt, hēmə-) noun
Red ferric oxide, Fe2O3, one of the important ores of iron, occurring in columnar, granular, or other forms, and crystallizing in the hexagonal system. Also spelled haematite. [<L haematites <Gk. haimatitēs bloodlike <haima blood]
(hem′ə·titik, hē′·mə-) adjective

Most often used phrases:

hematite fe
hematite iron
mineral hematite
red hematite
hematite ore
magnetite hematite
hematite magnetite
specular hematite
west hematite
hematite artifact
o hematite
oxides hematite
hematite concretions
olmec hematite
including hematite

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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