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Definition of: hydrocephalus

(hī′drə·sefə·ləs) noun Pathol.
An accumulation of watery fluid within the ventricles or between the membranes of the brain. [<HYDRO- + Gk. kephalē head]
·dro·ceph′a·loid (-loid), hydro·ceph′a·lous adjective

Most often used phrases:

pressure hydrocephalus
obstructive hydrocephalus
congenital hydrocephalus
communicating hydrocephalus
normal pressure hydrocephalus
hydrocephalus nph
hydrocephalus water
epilepsy hydrocephalus
hydrocephalus occurs
treat hydrocephalus
non communicating hydrocephalus
shunted hydrocephalus
include hydrocephalus
severe hydrocephalus
palate hydrocephalus

'hydrocephalus' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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