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Definition of: irregularity

(i·reg′yə·larə·tē) noun plural ·ties
1. The condition of being irregular; an aberration, inconsistency, etc.
2. In the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, an impediment to the taking or performing the functions of orders. See synonyms under DISORDER.

Most often used phrases:

financial irregularity
diplomatic irregularity
procedural irregularity
great irregularity
heart irregularity
minor irregularity
alleged irregularity
irregularity occurs
menstrual irregularity
voting irregularity
technical irregularity
kind of irregularity
surface irregularity
extreme irregularity
fuel irregularity

'irregularity' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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