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Definition of: leucine

(loomacrsin, -sēn) noun Biochem.
A white, crystalline amino acid, C6H13NO2, produced in the decomposition of proteins during pancreatic digestion. Also leu′cin (-sin). [<Gk. leukos white + -INE2]

Most often used phrases:

leucine zipper
valine leucine
amino acid leucine
leucine rich
leucine isoleucine
basic leucine
helix loop helix leucine
isoleucine leucine
leucine zippers
leucine residues
alanine leucine
leucine leu
leucine lysine
leucine residue
leucine aminopeptidase

'leucine' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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