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Definition of: lorikeet

Our photo definition of lorikeet photo

(lôrə·kēt, lor-) noun
Any of certain small Polynesian parrots resembling the lory. [<LORY + (PARA)KEET]

Most often used phrases:

rainbow lorikeet
lorikeet charmosyna
lorikeet trichoglossus
lorikeet vini
musk lorikeet
purple crowned lorikeet
lorikeet glossopsitta
blue lorikeet
ultramarine lorikeet
scaly breasted lorikeet
new caledonia lorikeet
iris lorikeet
lorikeet psitteuteles
blue crowned lorikeet
ornate lorikeet

'lorikeet' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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