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Definition of: Melanchthon

(mə·langkthən), Philipp,
Grecized name of Philipp Schwarzert, 1497–1560, religious reformer and scholar; associate of Luther. Also Me·lanc′thon.

Most often used phrases:

philipp Melanchthon
philip Melanchthon
Melanchthon wrote
Melanchthon german
luther Melanchthon
Melanchthon presented
Melanchthon und
Melanchthon emphasized
Melanchthon joined
Melanchthon philip
Melanchthon johannes
Melanchthon martin
zwingli Melanchthon
Melanchthon protestant
Melanchthon bucer

'Melanchthon' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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