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Definition of: shade

(shād) v. shad·ed, shad·ing v.t.
1. To screen from light by intercepting its rays; put in shade.
2. To make dim with or as with shade; darken; overcast.
3. To screen or protect with or as with a shade.
4. To cause to change, pass, blend, or soften, by gradations.
5 a To represent (degrees of shade, colors, etc.) by gradations of light or dark lines or shading, b To represent varying shades, colors, etc., in (a picture or painting) thus.
6. To make slightly lower, as a price.

7. To change or vary by degrees. [<noun]

1. Relative obscurity from interception of the rays of light: distinguished from shadow; hence, gloom; darkness; obscurity; the state of being outshone.
2. A shady place; secluded retreat.
3. Something that serves to intercept or screen from light; hence, a screen that shuts off light, heat, air, dust, etc.
4. A gradation of color; also, slight degree; minute difference.
5. The unilluminated part of a picture, drawing, or engraving: opposed to light.
6. A disembodied spirit; ghost; something unreal.
7. plural Slang Sunglasses. See synonyms under SPECTER.
—the shades
The abode of departed spirits; Hades.
[OE sceadu]

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"shade" has the frequency of use of 0.0007% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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