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Definition of: whang

(hwang) v.t. & v.i. Colloq.
To beat or sound with a resounding noise.
noun Colloq. A beating or banging; heavy blow; whack.

Definition of: whang

(hwang) noun
1. A buckskin thong or one made of a deer sinew.
2. Whang leather.
3. Scot. A big slice, as of bread or cheese; a chunk.

1. To beat as with a thong; lash.
2. To beat or strike violently.
3. Scot. & Dial. To fling; throw violently; hurl.
4. Scot. To slice, usually in large pieces. [Var. of OE thwang a thong]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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