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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Greek and Latin Elements in English

Combining Forms

Greek/Latin English Example(s)
acantho-, Gk spiny acanthoid
acid-, acri-, acer-, acu-, L keen, sharp, point acrid, acerbic, acute
acme, Gk culmination acme
acous-, Gk to hear acoustic
acro-, Gk tip, top acrophobia
act-, -action, L lead, drive, carry interaction
actino-, Gk light ray, radiate actinoid
adeno-, Gk gland adenoid
adip-, L fat adipose
aeri-, L air aerie
aero-, Gk air, aircraft, gas aerobic, aerodrome
agit-, ag-, ig-, -act, L to drive agitate, agent, exigency, counteract
-agog, -agogue, Gk leading demagog, pedagogue
agon-, -agonist, Gk contest, struggle agony, antagonist
agri-, agro-, Gk agriculture, field agriculture, agronomy
alb-, L white albino, albumin
-algia, Gk pain neuralgia
alien-, alia-, alter-, L foreign, strange, other alienation, alternative
allo-, Gk other allotropy
alti, alto-, L high, height altimeter
amat-, ami-, amo-, -amour, L love amatory, amicable, paramour
ambi-, L both ambiguous
ambul-, L to walk ambulatory
amphi-, Gk both amphibian
amylo-, Gk starch amylopectin
andro-, -androus, anthropo-, Gk man android, polyandrous, anthropology
anemo-, Gk wind anemometer
angi-, angu- anx-, L choking angina, anguish, anxiety
angio-, Gk vessel angiosperm
Anglo-, L English Anglo-American
anima, L breath, mind animal, animate
ankylo-, Gk bent ankylosis
ann-, L year annual
antho-, Gk flower anthophore, anthology
aqua-, aque-, L water aquatic, aqueous
arbor-, L tree, beam arboretum
arch-, archi-, Gk chief, primitive architect
archeo-, Gk ancient archeology
-archy, Gk govern monarchy
arterio-, Gk artery arteriosclerosis
arthro-, arthri-, Gk joint arthropod, arthritis
articul-, L joint articulate
asco-, Gk bag ascospore
atmo-, Gk air, breath, wind atmosphere
audio-, L hear audiovisual
aug-, L increase augment
auto-, Gk self automatic
auro-, auriculo-, L ear auroventricular, auricle
aux-, Gk strengthen auxiliary
avi-, L bird aviation
bacci-, L berry baccivorous
bacteri-, Gk & L bacterium bacteriophage
ball-, Gk to throw ballistic
barb-, barbar-, L beard barber, barbarian
baro-, bari-, Gk atmospheric pressure, weight barometer, bariatrics
-base, bass-, L low abase, bassoon
basis, basi-, Gk a step, foot basic, basidium
bat-, L to beat battle
batho-, bathy-, Gk deep, depth bathos, bathysphere
bi-, bin-, L two, double bisect, binary
bibl-, biblio-, Gk book bible, bibliography
bio-, -biosis, Gk life biography, symbiosis
blasto-, -blast, Gk bud, shoot blastocele
blephar-, blepharo-, Gk eyelid blepharitis
bovi-, L cattle bovine
brachio-, -brace, Gk arm brachial
brachy-, Gk short brachycephaly
brady-, Gk slow bradycardia
branch-, Gk fin, paw, limb branching
branchio-, -branch, Gk gills branchiopod
brevi-, L short brevity
bronch-, broncho-, Gk windpipe bronchoscopy
bull-, L bubble bullet, ebullient
burs-, L purse bursar, bursitis
caco-, Gk bad cacophany
cad-, cid-, L case, casualty, to fall decadent, incident
cal-, chal-, L to be hot calorie, chaldron
calcul-, L pebble, stone calculate
calli-, Gk fair, beautiful calligraphy
camer-, L chamber bicameral
camp-, champ-, L a plain campus, champion
canal-, channel-, L canal canalization
cani-, L dog canine
cap-, capt-, cept-, L to seize, take hold of capable, capture, concept
capit-, cipit-, L head capital, occipital
carbo-, carboni-, -carbon, L carbon carboniferous, fluorocarbon
cardio-, Gk heart cardiovascular, cardiac
carn-, L flesh carnivorous
carpo-, -carpous, Gk fruit carpogonium, syncarpous
caus-, cus-, L cause causation, excuse
-cele, Gk cavity, tumor, hernia, swelling blastocele
-cene, Gk recent eocene
ceno-, Gk common cenocyte
centi-, cent-, L hundred centimeter, century
centr-, Gk & L center central
cephalo-, -cephalic, -cephalous, Gk head, brain microcephalic
cer-, cero-, Gk & L wax cerumin
cerebro-, L brain cerebrospinal
cervic-, cervico-, L neck cervical
chalc-, chalco-, Gk copper chalcedony
chemo-, Gk chemical chemotherapy
chilo-, Gk lip chiloplasty
chiro-, Gk hand chiropody
chloro-, Gk green, chlorine chlorophyll, chloromethane
chole-, cholo-, Gk bile cholesterol
chondro-, Gk cartilage chondritis
choreo-, choro-, Gk dance choreography, chorus
chromato-, chromo-, -chrome, Gk color chromatography
chron-, chrono-, Gk time chroni, chronograph
chryso-, Gk gold chrysolite
-cidal, -cide, L to kill suicidal, genocide
cine-, Gk motion pictures cinema
circ-, L ring circle, circus
cirri-, cirro-, L curly cirrostratus
cit-, L incite cite, solicit
clar-, L clear clarify, declare
claud-, claus-, clud-, clus-, L to shut claustrophobia, occlude
climato-, Gk climate climatology
clino, -cline, Gk & L slope clinometer, incline
cocci-, -coccus, Gk & L berry-shaped, bacterium streptococci
col-, cult-, L to till colony, culture
colo-, Gk colon colorectal
colori-, L color colorimeter
cono-, Gk cone conoid
contra-, counter-, L against contrast
copro-, Gk dung coprophagous
corn-, cornu-, L horn cornea, cornucopia
cosmo-, Gk world, universe cosmology
cost-, costo-, L rib costal
-cracy, -crat, Gk govern democracy
cred-, L believe credible, credit
cruci-, L cross crucial
cryo-, Gk cold cryogenic
crypto-, Gk hidden cryptogram
crystallo-, Gk crystal crystallography
cteno-, Gk comb ctenoid
cupri-, cupro-, L copper cupric, cuprous
curr-, curs-, cour-, L to run current, excursion, course
curvi-, curva-, L curved curvilinear, curvaceous
cyano-, cyani-, Gk bluish, cyanogen cyanotic, cyanide
cyclo-, -cyclic, -cycle, Gk circle cyclopentane, tricycle
cymo-, Gk wave cymoscope
cyst-, cysto-, Gk bladder, cyst cystic, cystotomy
cyto-, Gk cell cytoplasm
dactylo-, -dactyl, Gk finger pterodactyl
deca-, Gk ten decameron
deci-, L a tenth decile
demi-, L half demimonde
demn-, dam-, L loss condemn, indemnity, damn
demo-, Gk people democrat
dendro-, -dendron, Gk tree rhododendron
denti-, L tooth dentition
dermato-, derm-, dermo-, Gk skin dermatologist
deuter-, deutero-, Gk second (adj.) deuterium
dextro-, L right ambidextrous
di-, Gk double dimer
di-, dis-, L apart digress
digit-, digiti-, digito-, L finger digitigrade
dino-, Gk terrible dinosaur
diplo-, Gk double diploma, diplomacy
dodeca-, Gk twelve dodecahedron
dors-, dorsi-, dorso-, L back dorsoventral
-drome, -dromous, Gk run hippodrome
duo-, du-, L two dualism
duoden-, duodeno-, L duodenum duodenal
dyna-, dynamo-, Gk power dynamic, dynamometer
dys-, Gk bad, difficult dyslexia
echino-, Gk spiny echinoderm
ecto-, exo- Gk external, outside ectomorphy, exogenous
electro-, Gk & L electric electromechanical
embryo-, Gk embryo embryology
-emia, Gk blood condition or disease septicemia
endo-, ento-, Gk interior endogenous
ennea-, Gk nine ennead
enter-, entero-, Gk intestine enteritis
eo-, Gk early, earliest eocene
equ-, equi-, L equal, like, same equate
erg-, Gk work ergon
erythro-, Gk red erythrocyte
ethn-, ethno-, Gk nation ethnocentric
eu-, Gk good euphoria
eury-, Gk broad eurycephalic
extra-, extro-, L external extraneous, extrovert
fac-, fec-, fic-, fact-, fect-, fict-, L to do fact, perfect, deficit
febri-, L fever febrile
-fend, -fense, L to strike defend
-fer, -ferous, L bearing transfer
ferro-, ferri-, L iron ferric
fibro-, L fibrous fibroid
fid-, L faith confidence
fin-, L end final, finance
fissi-, -fid, L split fission
-fix, L to fix prefix
flagr-, L to burn conflagration
flexi-, L bent flexible
flig-, -flict, L to strike profligate, inflict
fluo-, fluoro-, fluor-, L fluorescence, fluorine fluoride
flor-, flour-, L flower florist, flourish
fluv-, fluvi-, fluvio-, L river fluvial
foli-, folia-, folio-, L leaf, leafy foliation
form-, -form, L form formal, conform
fort-, forti-, L strong fortify
fract-, frang-, frag-, L to break fraction, frangible, fragment
fru-, fruit-, L to enjoy fruition
fug-, fuge-, -fugal, L to flee refugee, centrifugal
fund-, found-, L bottom fundament, profound
fungi-, L fungus fungicide
galacto-, Gk milk galactose
Gallo-, Gall-, L French Gallic
gameto-, Gk gamete gametophyte
gamo-, -gamy, Gk union, sexual union gamogenesis, oogamy
ganglio-, gangli-, Gk ganglion gangliated
gastro-, gastero-, Gk stomach, abdomen gastroenterology
gemm-, L bud gemmule
gen-, L kin genus
-gen, -genous, -geny, -gony, Gk producing oxygen, cosmogony
genito-, L genital genitourinary
geo-, Gk earth geography
geri-, geronto-, Gk old age geriatric, gerontology
-gerous, L bearing crystalligerous
giganto-, Gk gigantic gigantomachy
glauco-, Gk light or blue-gray glaucoma
glosso-, gloss-, Gk tongue glossary
glyco-, Gk sweet glycolysis
glypto-, -glyph, Gk carved, carving glyptodont, hieroglyphics
gnatho-, -gnathous, Gk jaw prognathous
-gon, gonio-, Gk angle polygon, goniometer
-gonium, Gk seed syngonium
gono-, Gk reproduction gonorrhea
-grade, -gress, L walking, step plantigrade, congress
grani-, L grain graniform
grapho-, -graph, -graphy, -gram, Gk to write polygraph
grat-, grate-, grati-, L pleasing gratitude
Greco-, L Greek Greco-Roman
greg-, L a flock aggregate, gregarious
gust-, gusta-, L a tasting disgust, gustatory
gymno-, gymn-, Gk naked gymnosophist, gymnast
gyneco-, gyneo- gyno-, Gk woman, ovary gynecology
gyro-, gyr-, Gk circle gyrate
hab-, hib-, L to have habit, inhibit
hagio-, hagi, Gk sacred hagiography
halo-, Gk salt, sea halogen, halophyte
haplo-, Gk simple, single haploid
hect-, hecto-, Gk hundred hectare
-hedral, -hedron, Gk side polyhedron
heli-, helico-, Gk spiral helicopter
helio-, Gk sun heliocentric
hema-, hemato-, hemo-, Gk blood hematocrit
hemi-, Gk half hemisphere
hepa-, hepat-, hepato-, Gk liver heparin
hepta-, Gk seven heptad
her-, L heir heredity
hernio-, L hernia herniotomy
hetero-, Gk different heteronym
hexa-, Gk six hexagon
hiero-, Gk sacred hieroglyph
hippo-, Gk horse hippocampus
histo-, Gk tissue histopathology
holo-, hol-, Gk whole hologram, holism
homo-, homeo-, homoio-, Gk like, same homoiothermy
horr-, -hor, L to bristle horrible, abhor
hum-, L the ground humus, humble
hyalo-, Gk glass, glassy hyaloid
hydro-, Gk water hydrotherapy
hygro-, Gk wet hygrometer
hylo-, Gk matter, material hylozoism
hymeno-, Gk membrane hymenopterous
hypno-, Gk sleep hypnosis
hystero-, hyster-, Gk hysteria, uterus hysterotomy, hysterical
i-, -it, L to go exit, itinerary
-iasis, Gk disease schistosomiasis
iatro-, -iatrics, -iatry, Gk medicine iatrogenic, psychiatry
ichth-, ichthyo-, Gk fish ichthyosaur
icono-, Gk image iconoclast
ideo-, Gk idea ideology
idio-, Gk individual idiosyncrasy
igni-, L fire ignition
ileo-, -ileac, L ileum (small intestine) ileocecal
ilio-, -iliac, L ilium sacroiliac
inguin-, inguino-, L groin inguinal
int-, L within intestine, internal
intra-, intro-, L interior, inward introduce
iodo-, Gk iodine iodoform
iso-, Gk equal, like, same isometric
-itis, Gk inflammation chondritis
jac-, -ject, L to throw adjacent, eject
jug-, junct-, -join, L to join, yoke conjugal, conjunction
jur-, jus-, L to swear jury, justify
juxta-, L near juxtaposition
kerato-, Gk cornea, horn keratin
kinesi-, kineto-, -kinesis, Gk movement psychokinesis
labi-, labio-, L lip labium
labor-, L labor elaborate
lac-, lec-, lic-, L to entice delectable
lacto-, L milk lactose
laryngo-, Gk larynx laryngoscope
lati-, L broad latitude
leg-, lect-, L to collect, read legible, recollect
lepid-, lepido-, Gk scale, scaly lepidopterous
-lepsy, -leptic, Gk seizure epilepsy
lept-, lepto-, Gk small, think leptophyllous
leuko-, Gk white leukocyte
levo-, L left, left-sided levotartaric
liber-, L free liberty
lig-, L to bind ligament, oblige
ligni-, lign-, L wood lignite
lin-, L a line delineate
lip-, lipo-, Gk fat lipoma
litera-, L a letter literature
litho-, -lith, Gk stone monolith
loc-, L a place local, locomotion
logo-, log-, Gk speech, word logic
-logy, -logical, Gk science of ecology
longi-, L long longitude
luci-, L light lucid
lumin-, lumini-, L light illuminate
lun-, luni-, L moon lunar
lympho-, lymphat-, lymphato-, L lymph lymphoma
lyo-, -lysis, -lyte, Gk dissolving electrolyte
-machy, Gk fight tauromachy
macro-, Gk large macrocosm
magneto-, L magnet magnetosphere
magni-, L great, large magnificent
mal-, L bad maladjustment
man-, main-, L hand manner, maintain
-mancy, -mantic, Gk divining chiromancy
-mania, -maniac, Gk craving monomania
mast-, masto-, Gk breast mastectomy
matri-, L mother matrilineal
medi-, medio-, L middle mediocre
medico-, L medicine medicolegal
mega-, megalo-, Gk great megalomania
melan-, melano-, Gk black, dark melanin
mem-, L remembering memoir
ment-, mon-, L mind mental, demonstrate
mero-, -mere, -merous, Gk part, of parts blastomere, trimerous
meso-, mes-, Gk middle mesozoic
metro-, -meter, -metry, Gk measure metrology, centimeter, telemetry
micro-, Gk small micron
milli-, L thousand, thousandth millipede
mir-, mar-, L wonderful miracle, marvel
miso-, mis-, Gk hate misanthrope
-mit, -miss, L to send emit, mission
mod-, L manner model, modify
mono-, Gk one monocle
mor-, mori-, mort-, L to die morgue, mortal
-morph, morpho-, -morphic, -morphous, Gk form endomorph, amorphous
mot-, mov-, L to move emotion, remove
moun-, L hill mound, mountain
muco-, muci-, L mucus, slimy mucilage
multi-, L many multifaceted
myco-, -mycete, Gk fungus ascomycete
myel-, myelo-, Gk spinal cord myelin
myo-, Gk muscle myocardial
myria-, Gk very many myriad
mytho-, Gk myth mythology
myxo-, Gk slime myxophobia
narco-, Gk torpor narcolepsy
nas-, naso-, L nose nasal
nati-, L birth nativity
necro-, Gk corpse necromancy
-nect, -nex, L to bind connect, annex
nemato-, Gk thread nematode
neo-, Gk new neo-Freudian
nephro-, Gk kidney nephron
neuro-, Gk nerve neuroanatomy
nitro-, nitr-, L nitrogen nitrate
noct-, nocti-, L night nocturnal
nomen-, nomin-, -noun, L name nomenclature, pronoun
nomo-, Gk custom, law nomothetic
noso-, -nose, -nosis, Gk disease diagnosis
not-, nit-, nis-, L to get to know notice, cognition
nota-, L a mark notary, notation
noto-, Gk a back notochord
nucleo-, L nucleus nucleotide
nudi-, L bare nudity
numer-, L number enumerate
nutr-, nur-, L to nourish nutrition, nurse
nycti-, nycto-, nyct-, Gk night nyctalopic
octa-, octo-, Gk & L eight octopus
oculo-, ocul-, L eye oculist
odonto-, -odont, Gk tooth odontology
odyno-, -odynia, Gk pain odynometer
-oid, -ode, Gk like spheroid
oleo-, L oil oleomargarine
oligo-, olig-, Gk few oligarchy
-oma, Gk tumor lymphoma
omni-, L all omnipotent
oneiro-, Gk dream oneiromancy
onto-, Gk existence ontology
oo-, Gk egg oogonium
ophio-, Gk snake ophiophobia
ophthalmo-, Gk eye ophthalmologist
-opia, Gk vision defect myopia
-opsis, Gk appearance, sight synopsis
orb-, L a circle orbit
orchido-, Gk orchid orchid
orchio-, orchi-, Gk testicle orchialgia
ord-, ordin-, L order ordain, subordinate
organo-, Gk organ, organic organometallic
ornitho-, Gk bird ornithology
oro-, L mouth oronasal
ortho-, Gk correct, upright orthopedic
-osis, Gk disease neurosis
ossi-, L bone ossify
oste-, osteo-, Gk bone osteoarthritis
oto-, Gk ear otology
ovi-, ovo-, ov-, L egg ovate
oxy-, Gk oxygen; sharp oxyacid; oxytone
pachy-, Gk thick pachyderm
paleo-, Gk ancient paleolithic
palmi-, palm-, L palm palmitic
pan-, panto-, Gk all pandemic, pantothenic
par-, per-, L to prepare apparatus, imperative
para-, Gk near paragraph
pari-, L equal, like par, disparity
-parous, L bearing viviparous
part-, -part, L part depart, partake
-pathy, patho-, Gk disease, suffering neuropathy, pathos
patri-, L father patrician
-ped, -pede, pedi-, L foot impede
peda-, pedo-, Gk child pedagogue
-pel, L to drive compel
pelvi-, L pelvis pelvic
-pend, -pond, L to weigh depend, ponder
penta-, Gk five pentagon
petro-, Gk stone petroglyph
-phage, phago-, -phagous, -phagy, Gk eat phagocyte
pharmaco-, Gk drug pharmacology
pharyngo-, Gk pharynx pharyngoscope
-phasia, Gk speech defect aphasia
pheno-, phanero-, -phany, Gk visible phenomenon
-philia, -phily, Gk morbid love pedophilia
philo-, -phile, Gk love philosophy, bibliophile
phleb-, phlebo-, Gk vein phlebitis
-phobia, Gk fear agoraphobia
-phone, phono-, -phony, Gk sound phonograph
photo-, Gk light photograph
phren-, phreno-, Gk brain, mind schizophrenic, phrenology
phyl-, phylo-, Gk species phylum, phylogeny
phyllo-, -phyllous, -phyll, Gk leaf, leafy chlorophyll
physio-, Gk nature physiocrat
-phyte, phyto-, Gk plant (bot.) phytoplankton
picr-, picro-, Gk bitter picric
piezo-, Gk pressure piezochemistry
pinna-, pinni-, L fin, web, leaf pinnate, pinniped
pisci-, L fish pisciculture
plano-, L flat planoconvex
-plasia, -plasis, Gk growth hyperplasia
-plasm, Gk material, matter cytoplasm
-plast, Gk cell chloroplast
-plastic, -plasty, Gk making, forming rhinoplasty
platy-, Gk flat platypus
-plegia, Gk paralysis quadriplegia
plen-, L to fill plenty
pleur-, pleuro-, Gk pleura, side pleurisy
plic-, -plex, L to fold implicate, complex
plumb-, plumbo-, L lead (metal) plumbing
pneumat-, pneumato-, Gk breath pneumatic
pneumo-, Gk lung pneumothorax
-pod, -podous, Gk foot arthropod
-poietic, Gk making hematopoietic
polio-, Gk gray matter poliomyelitis
poly-, Gk many polygyny
pon-, pos-, L to place opponent, position
popul-, pub-, L people popular, public
port-, L to carry portable
-prehend, L to seize apprehend
primi-, prim-, L first prime
procto-, Gk rectum proctoscope
proto-, Gk first prototype
pseudo-, Gk false pseudonym
psycho-, psych-, Gk mind; spirit psychology; psychic
psychro-, Gk cold psychrometer
ptero-, -pterous, -pter, Gk wing pterodactyl, helicopter
pulmo-, L lung pulmonary
punct-, pung-, L to prick puncture, pungent
pur-, L pure purity, puritan
-pute, L clear compute
py-, pye-, Gk pus pyorrhea
pyelo, Gk pelvis pyelogram
pyro-, pyr-, Gk fire pyromania, pyre
quadri-, quadru-, L four quadrilateral
quasi-, L like, as if quasi-serious
-quer, -quire, -quest, L to seek conquer, acquire, inquest
quin-, quinque-, quinqua-, L five quintuplet
radic-, L root radical
radio-, L radiant energy, radio, radioactive radioactivity, radioisotope
rat-, rati-, L to suppose ratio, ratify
recti-, L straight rectitude
recto-, L rectum rectoabdominal
reg-, res-, L to rule regal, resource
ren-, reni-, L kidney renal, reniform
rheo-, Gk current rheostat
rhino-, Gk nose rhinoceros
rhizo-, Gk root rhizome
rot-, rotat-, L a wheel rotor, rotate
-rrhea, -rrhagia, -rrhagic, -rrhage, Gk flow hemorrhage
-rupt, L to break interrupt
sacchar-, saccharo-, Gk sugar saccharin
sacro-, L sacrum sacroiliac
sangui-, L blood sanguine
sapro-, Gk decompose saprophyte
sarco-, Gk flesh sarcophagus
scato-, Gk dung scatological
-scend, L to climb condescend
schisto-, Gk to divide schistosome
schizo-, Gk to split schizophrenia
sclero-, Gk hard sclerosis
-scope, -scopy, Gk observation microscope
scoto-, Gk darkness scotoma
-scribe, scrip-, L to write describe, scripture
scyph-, Gk & L cup scyphiform
seb-, sebi-, sebo-, L fat, fatty sebaceous
-sect, -section, L cut bisect
sed-, sid-, -sess, siz-, L to sit sediment, residue, possess, size
seismo-, Gk earthquake seismograph
semi-, L half semiconductor
-sent, sent-, L to feel assent, sentiment
sept-, septi-, L seven septet
sequ-, sec-, L to follow sequence, second
sero-, L serum serous
serv-, -serve, L a slave servant, conserve
sex-, L six sexagenarian
sider-, sidero-, Gk star sidereal
-sign, L a sign assign, signal
silico-, L silicon silicosis
simil-, sem-, L same similar, resemble
simplici-, L simple simplicity
Sino-, L Chinese Sino-Soviet
sito-, -site, Gk food, eat parasite
socio-, L society socioeconomic
sol-, solit-, L alone sole, solitary
solu-, -solve, L to loosen solution, resolve
somato-, -soma, -some, Gk body chromosome
somn-, somni-, L sleep insomnia
-son, son-, L sound sonata
-sophy, -sopher, Gk knowledge of philosopher
spec-, -spect, L to look specimen, inspect
spectro-, L spectrum spectrogram
speleo-, spel-, Gk & L cave spelunker
spermo-, spermato-, -spermous, Gk seed, spermatozoa spermatozoid
-sphere, Gk sphere hemisphere
sphygmo-, Gk pulse sphygmomanometer
spiro-, spir-, Gk spiral spirogyra, spiral
spiro-, -spire, spir-, L breath spirometer, inspire, spirit
-stant, -sist, -stitute, -stance, L to stand constant, desist, institute, substance
-stat, Gk to stop thermostat, static
stato-, stat-, Gk position status
stell-, stelli-, L star stellar
steno-, Gk narrow stenosis
stereo-, Gk solid stereophonic
stetho-, Gk chest stethoscope
-stomy, Gk surgical opening ileostomy
-strict, -strain, L to draw tight constrict, restrain
-struct, L to build construct
sulfa-, sulfo-, L sulfur sulfonamide
sup-, sum-, L above superior, summit
tachy-, Gk swift tachyon
-tain, tang-, L to touch attain, tangible
tauro-, Gk cattle tauromachy
tauto-, Gk same tautology
taxo-, -taxis, -taxy, Gk order taxonomy
techno-, Gk art, technical technology
teg-, -tect, L to cover tegument, detect
tele-, teleo-, telo-, Gk far, final television, teleology
temp-, L time temporary
ten-, -tain, L to hold tenacity, contain
ter-, tre-, tri-, L three tercentenary
terato-, Gk monster teratology
termin-, L end exterminator
terr-, -ter, L to scare terror, deter
terri-, L earth territory
test-, -test, L witness testament, contest
tetra-, Gk four tetrad
-text, text-, L to weave context, textile
thanato-, Gk death thanatology
theo-, Gk god theology
thermo-, Gk heat thermometer
thio-, Gk sulfur Thiokol
thorac-, thoraco-, Gk thorax thoracic
thyro-, Gk thyroid thyroxin
tom-, -tome, tomo-, Gk knife, cutting tome, epitome, tomograph
tono-, Gk tone tonometer
topo-, Gk place topology
tot-, toti-, L whole totalitarian
toxico-, Gk poison toxicology
tracheo-, Gk trachea tracheotomy
-tract, treat-, L to draw extract, treatise
trib-, L tribe contribute
tricho-, Gk hair trichomonad
trop-, -troupous, -tropy, Gk turned tropism
tropho-, -trophy, Gk nourishment dystrophy
typhlo-, Gk blind typhlosis
typo-, Gk type typology
ultima-, ultra-, L beyond ultimate
uni-, L one unite
urethr-, urethro-, Gk urethra urethral
urin-, urino-, L urine urinary
uro-, -uria, Gk urine glycosuria
uter-, utero-, L uterus uterology
vagin-, vagino-, L vagina vaginectomy
val-, -vail, L to be strong valid, prevail
vari-, vario-, L different various
vaso-, L vessel vasodilation
vei-, -vey, veh-, L to carry vein, convey, vehicle
ven-, veni-, L vein venous
ven-, -vent, -vene, L to turn avenue, adventure, convene
ventr-, ventro-, L abdomen ventral
ver-, verit-, L true verdict, very, verity
vermi-, L worm vermiculite
-verse, -vert, vert-, L to turn adverse, revert, vertigo
via-, vio-, -vey, -voy, L way viaduct, obvious, convey, convoy
vic-, -vid, vis-, -view, -vise, L to see evident, visage, review, supervise
vice-, L substitute vice-president
vin-, vini-, L wine, grapes vineyard, viniculture
-vince, -vict, L to conquer convince, evict
vitr-, vitri-, L glass vitreous, vitriform
viv-, -vive, L to live vivacity, survive
voc-, -voke, L voice vocal, evoke
-volve, -volt, L to roll evolve, revolt
vor-, -vorous, L eat voracious, omnivorous
xeno-, Gk foreign xenophobia
xero-, Gk dry xerography
xylo-, Gk wood xylophone
zoo-, Gk animal zoology
zygo-, Gk pair, yoke zygote
-zyme, zymo-, Gk fermentation enzyme


Greek/Latin English Example(s)
a-, an-, Gk not amoral, anesthesia
ab-, a-, abs-, L from, away, off, away from, down abject, absent
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, L to, toward admit, align, accept, affinity, aggregate, alleviate, annex, appear, arrest, assimilate, attend
ana-, Gk again anadiplosis
ana-, Gk according to, similar to analog
ana-, Gk thoroughly anaphylaxis
ana-, Gk up analysis, anabolism
ana-, Gk upon anaclitic
ante-, Gk & L before antediluvian
anti-, Gk against antiaircraft
apo-, Gk away from, off apogee
cata-, cath-, cat-, Gk down, away, in accordance with, against, very, completely catacomb, catalog, catharsis, catabolism
cis-, L on this side of cisalpine
com-, co-, col-, con-, cor-, L with, together, very, thoroughly combat, collect, connect, correspond
contra-, L against contradict
de-, L not decentralize
de-, L down decline
dia-, Gk through diameter
dis-, di-, L apart, not disperse, disapprove, digress
en-, el-, em-, L in, into encounter, embed
endo-, Gk within endogenous
epi-, eph-, Gk on, beside, among, outside, over, before epilog, epitome, epiphenomenon
ex-, e-, ec-, ef-, Gk & L out, off, from, beyond, not, thoroughly exhale, exclude, exceed, efface
exo-, Gk outside exogenous
extra-, L outside extracurricular
hyper-, Gk over, above, beyond hyperactive
hypo-, Gk under, beneath, less than hypokinesis
in-, il-, im-, ir-, L in, into, on invade, induce
in-, il-, im-, ir-, L not, against inimical
inter-, L between, among, together, mutual intermix, interdependent
intra-, L within intramural
juxta-, L next to juxtapose
mal-, L badly, evil malcontent, maltreat
meta-, met-, Gk after, beyond, changed, along with metaphysics, metamorphosis
mis-, L badly misadventure
non-, L not nonchalant
ob-, oc-, of-, op-, L against obverse, oppress
para-, Gk beside, beyond parallel
per-, L through, very, thoroughly percussion
peri-, Gk around, about, round, near perimeter, perigee
post-, L after postpartum, postwar
pre-, L before premarital
preter-, L beyond preternatural
pro-, Gk before progestin
pro-, L for proslavery
pro-, Gk & L forward progress
pro-, L substitute pronoun
re-, L again, back rerun, return
retro-, L back, backward retrograde
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, L under, less, subordinate, division substance, subcategory, suffer
subter-, L under, beneath, less than subterfuge
super-, supra-, L over, above, exceeding superpose, suprarational
sym-, sy-, syl-, syn-, Gk with, associated, simultaneous symmetry, syllogism, synthesis
trans-, L on that side of, across transpose
ultra-, L beyond, exceeding ultraconservative

Suffixes of Adjectives

Greek/Latin English Example(s)
-able, -ive, L tending to irritable, restive
-able, -ile, -il, L able to, able to be teachable, ductile
-ac, L & Gk affected by maniac
-ac, -ic, Gk & L pertaining to iliac, manic
-aceous, -al, -ar, -ary, -ile, -il, -ine, -ory, Gk & L pertaining to curvaceous, dorsal, temporary, puerile, promissory
-al, -ate, -id, L characterized by jovial, ornate, flaccid
-an, L coming from, originating in European
-an, L adhering to or following Republican
-an, L belonging to (in biology) crustacean
-ant, -ent, L doing, agency errant, decadent
-escent, L beginning to obsolescent
-fic, -ficent, L causing, making terrific, magnificent
-ine, -in, -ing, -ive, -ory, L like, of the nature of bovine, charming, desultory
-ose, -ous, L full of verbose, aqueous

Suffixes of Nouns

Greek/Latin English Example(s)
-al, L instance, nouns formed from adjs. oval, signal
-al, L act, action recital
-ana, L collection Americana
-ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency, L act, condition, concrete thing assistance, violence, eminence
-arium, -ary, -orium, -ory, L place aquarium, apiary, auditorium, dormitory
-ary, L practitioner notary
-ate, L office episcopate
-ate, L result mandate
-cion, -sion, -ion, -tion, L action, result, condition ascension, demolition, condition
-ese, -ic, -ics, Gk native art, system Chinese, chiropractic, phonics
-ist, L practitioner psychiatrist
-ist, -ite, Gk advocate, adherent separatist, Jacobite
-ite, Gk descendent of Israelite
-ite, Gk native Canaanite
-ity, L condition acidity
-ium, L chemical element uranium
-ment, L act, condition, instrument, result movement, predicament, instrument
-mony, L result alimony
-or, L practitioner elector
-ory, L instrument depilatory
-trix, L female practitioner aviatrix
-tude, L condition negritude
-ure, L action, office, result, instrument divestiture, suture

Suffixes of Verbs

Greek/Latin English Example(s)
-ate, L combine, combine with, treat with associate, medicate
-esce, L begin coalesce
-fy, L become, make solidify, codify
-ize, Gk become, make, practice, treat with realize, canonize, idolize, simonize

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z