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Definition of: archpriest

(ärchprēst) noun
1. Formerly, the chief or senior priest of a cathedral chapter, serving as assistant to a bishop: later called a dean.
2. A rural dean.
3. A papal delegate appointed in 1598 as superior of Roman Catholic clergy in England: succeeded in 1623 by a vicar apostolic.
priest′hood, archpriest′ship noun

Most often used phrases:

archpriest controversy
archpriest zakaria
appointed archpriest
machitadze archpriest
named archpriest
archpriest george
church archpriest
archpriest avvakum
made archpriest
archpriest john
ruiz archpriest
archpriest emeritus
orthodox archpriest
russian archpriest
archpriest seraphim

'archpriest' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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