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Definition of: bat

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(bat) noun
1. Any heavy cudgel or club.
2. Batting.
3. In baseball, cricket, and other games: a A stick or club for striking the ball, usually having one end wider or heavier than the other. b A turn at bat or the right to such a turn. c A racket, as in tennis. d The act of batting. e The batsman, as in cricket.
4. A fragment or lump of clay.
5. Colloq. A blow, as with a stick.
6. Colloq. Speed; rate of motion.
7. Slang A drunken carousal; a spree.
—at bat
In the act or position of batting.
—to go to bat for
Colloq. To defend or advocate the cause of.
v. bat·ted, bat·ting v.i.

1. In baseball, cricket, and other games: a To use a bat. b To take a turn at bat.
2. Slang To go hurriedly.

3. To strike with or as with a bat.
—to bat around

1. To move or travel about.
2. To discuss, as a proposal or idea.
3. In baseball, to have the whole team bat in one inning. [OE batt cudgel]

Definition of: bat

(bat) noun
Any of numerous nocturnal flying mammals (order Chiroptera), having greatly elongated fore limbs and digits that support a thin wing membrane extending to the hind limbs and sometimes to the tail.
—blind as a bat
Altogether blind.
—to have bats in the belfry
SlangTo be crazy.
[ME bakke,? <Scand.]

Definition of: bat

(bat) v.t. Colloq.
To wink; flutter.
—not bat an eye
Colloq. Not show surprise or other reaction.
[Var. of BATE3]

Definition of: bat


Most often used phrases:

fruit bat
horseshoe bat
free tailed bat
bat rhinolophus
ball bat
bat myotis
bat species
roundleaf bat
bat hipposideros
yellow bat
big eared bat
baseball bat
vesper bat
long eared bat
bat out of

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Statistical data

"bat" has the frequency of use of 0.0014% on city-data.com forum

"bat" has the frequency of use of 0.0021% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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