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Definition of: callus

(kaləs) noun plural ·lus·es
1. A callosity or thickening.
2. Physiol. The new bony tissue between and around the fractured ends of a broken bone in the process of reuniting.
3. Bot. The parenchymatous tissue which forms over a cut on a stem and protects the exposed wood.
v.i. To form a callosity or callus.
◆ Homophone: callous. [<L, hard skin]

Most often used phrases:

thin callus
thick callus
parietal callus
strong callus
callus formation
daniel callus
ashley callus
fracture callus
callus tissue
callus cells
columellar callus
callus growth
callus cultures
faint callus
helen callus

'callus' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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