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Definition of: Calvinistic

(cal′vin·istik) adjective
1. Pertaining to Calvinism or Calvinists.
2. Austere: strict; severe.
vin·is′ti·cal adjective
vin·is′ti· cal·ly adverb

Most often used phrases:

Calvinistic methodist
Calvinistic methodists
welsh Calvinistic
Calvinistic doctrine
Calvinistic baptists
Calvinistic baptist
reformed Calvinistic
Calvinistic doctrines
Calvinistic methodism
english Calvinistic
Calvinistic views
Calvinistic theology
Calvinistic view
Calvinistic church
Calvinistic orthodoxy

'Calvinistic' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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