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Definition of: covenanter

(kuvə·nən·tər) noun
The party to a covenant assuming its obligations. Also cov′e·nan·tor.

Definition of: Covenanter

(kuvə·nən·tər) noun
One of the Scottish Presbyterians who adhered to the National Covenant.

Most often used phrases:

covenanter army
scottish covenanter
covenanter movement
covenanter forces
covenanter wars
covenanter tank
covenanter government
covenanter soldiers
covenanter armies
covenanter force
covenanter minister
covenanter martyrs
ardent covenanter
covenanter troops
covenanter john

'covenanter' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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