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Definition of: flotsam

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(flotsəm) noun
1. Law Goods cast or swept from a vessel into the sea and found floating. Compare JETSAM, LAGAN.
2. Any objects floating on the sea.
3. Hence, vagrants or unattached persons: the flotsam of society. Also spelled flot′san (-sən), flot′son. [<AF floteson <floter float <OE flotian]

Most often used phrases:

flotsam jetsam
flotsam island
digital flotsam
web flotsam
ursula flotsam
flotsam moraines
plastic flotsam
flotsam including
fantastic flotsam
chapter flotsam
collecting flotsam
band flotsam
mere flotsam
drifting flotsam
eels flotsam

'flotsam' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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