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Definition of: gargle

(gärgəl) v. gar·gled, gar·gling v.t.
1. To rinse (the throat) with a liquid agitated by air from the windpipe.

2. To use a gargle.
3. To make a sound as if gargling.
noun A liquid for gargling.
[<OF gargouiller gargle <gargouille throat]
a. On cathedral of Amiens, 13th cent.
b. On cathedral of St. Eustache, Paris, 16th cent.
c. On church of Montmartre, 19th cent.
d. On Chrysler Building, New York, 20th cent.

Most often used phrases:

gargle blaster
galactic gargle
pan galactic gargle
gargle blasters

'gargle' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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