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Definition of: agitate

(ajə·tāt) v. ·tat·ed, ·tat·ing v.t.
1. To shake or move irregularly.
2. To set or keep moving, as a fan.
3. To excite or endeavor to excite, as a crowd; perturb.
4. To discuss publicly and incessantly, as a controversial question.
5. Archaic To revolve in the mind; plan.

6. To keep a subject or cause under continuous discussion, in order to excite public interest. [<L agitatus, pp. of agitare set in motion, freq. of agere move]

Most often used phrases:

agitate people
successfully agitate
agitate emma
agitate me
agitate man
agitate educate
vigorously agitate

'agitate' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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