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Definition of: griddle

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(gridl) noun
1. A shallow pan for baking or frying thin cakes.
2. A cover for a hole in a cook-stove.
v.t. grid·dled, grid·dling
To cook on a griddle.
[<AF grédil, var. of OF greil <LL craticulum, dim. of cratis wickerwork]

Most often used phrases:

hot griddle
griddle plate
griddle surface
iron griddle
queen griddle
griddle scone
griddle cakes
ge griddle
commercial griddle
griddle performance
electric griddle
golden griddle
flat griddle
gas griddle
griddle called

'griddle' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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