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Definition of: heterotopia

(het′ər·ə·tōpē·ə) noun Pathol.
A misplacement of an organ, or a growth abnormally situated in the body. Also heter·ot′o·py (-otə·pē). [<NL <Gk. hetero- other + topos place]
er·o·top′ic (-topik), heter·ot′o·pous (-otə·pəs) adjective

Most often used phrases:

band heterotopia
gray matter heterotopia
subependymal heterotopia
neuronal heterotopia
laminar heterotopia
subcortical heterotopia
brain like heterotopia
nodular heterotopia
heterotopia space

'heterotopia' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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