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Definition of: primogenitor

(prī′mə·jenə·tər) noun
An earliest ancestor; a forefather. [<Med. L <L primus first + genitor a father]

'primogenitor' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

User Contributions:

Timira Robinson
JThe scpicsajon no nivncwgidupiqw soegqfiwydgfiydeoejh has a new power but the only way she can get the most beautiful woman to the beast was the one who had the one that would make it a good idea for a new game to be the best game on a game with a game of thrones and a xj h cwhedoxjcvdjsafcaskceadeaaetr

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