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Definition of: review

(ri·vyoomacr) v.t.
1. To go over or examine again; look at or study again.
2. To look back upon, as in memory; think of retrospectively.
3. To go over, as a manuscript, so as to correct defects.
4. To make an inspection of, especially formally.
5. To write or make a critical review of, as a new book.
6. Law To examine (something done or adjudged by a lower court) so as to determine its legality or correctness.

7. To write a review or reviews, as for a magazine. [<RE- + VIEW; modeled on F revoir look at again]

1. A second, repeated, or new view, examination, consideration, or study of something; a retrospective survey.
2. A lesson studied or recited again.
3. Critical study or examination.
4. An article or essay containing a critical examination, discussion, or notice of some work; a criticism; critique.
5. A periodical devoted to essays in criticism and on general subjects.
6. A formal or official inspection or view, as of troops.
7. Law A judicial revision by a superior court of the order or decree of a subordinate court.
8. A revision, as of a work by its author; examination with a view to correction or improvement. [<MF reveue <pp. of revoir <L revidere <re- again + videre see]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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