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Definition of: basil

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(bazəl) noun
1. Any of certain aromatic plants of the mint family (genus Ocimum), especially the European sweet basil (O. basilicum).
2. The American mountain mint (genus Pycnanthemum) or wild basil. [<OF basile <L basilicum <Gk. basilikon (phyton) royal (plant), basil <basileus king]

Definition of: Basil

(bazəl, bāzəl)
A masculine personal name. Also Fr. Ba·sile (bá·zēl), Lat. Ba·sil·i·us (bə·silē·əs; Dan., Du., Ger., Sw. bä·zē·lē·oobreves), Ital., Pg., Sp. Ba·si·li·o (bä·sēlē·ō). [<Gk., kingly]
—Basil the Great, Saint,

329?–379, one of the four Greek doctors of the church; bishop of Caesarea.

Most often used phrases:

basil blackwell
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sir basil
emperor basil
saint basil
toni basil
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bishop basil
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basil poledouris
basil fawlty
basil hume
basil dearden

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Statistical data

"basil" has the frequency of use of 0.0004% on city-data.com forum

"basil" has the frequency of use of 0.0007% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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